I love to read - particularly non-fiction. I've usually got three books going at once, and although it may take me awhile to get through them when I'm busy, they are conveniently located throughout the house so I can pick one up when I have the time. I always get the question of how I can read multiple books at once. To which I say, "How do you keep track of the 10 TV shows that you watch per week?" Your response: "Touché."

Current Reads

In my purse (for the bus ride to/from work): Eat, Pray, Love

--An interesting telling of a divorcee's year in pursuit of travel and happiness. The whole part in India bored me, but overall it's a good read so far.

On my nightstand: Lies Across America

--I'm only about 20 pages in, but thus far it's an astonishing account of the multiple historic sites, statues, plaques, etc that speckle our country and how they often misrepresent what actually happened. One fun fact from it: The "birthplace of Abraham Lincoln" which tourists so often visit was actually built 30 years after his death!

And, I'll admit it - in the bathroom :) : Lies My Teacher Told Me

--Again, I just started this one. It's by the same author, but it's far less intreguing so far. Same premise as Lies Across America, except this one talks about history textbooks. Perhaps it gets better as you go along, but I usually don't spend more than a page worth of time in there (because you were just dying to know!).

The best part is that I got these, and many of my books at garage sales for a whole 50 cents each! They're in like new condition and I can take my time on them if needed rather than be restricted by the library due dates. Although I do still frequent the library when a book comes out that I just have to read. I'm getting on the list for this one as soon as I can:

The first book was awesome and I can only imagine that this one will be even better. The authors even have a blog on the New York Times website to keep me happy during the interim between their books. Make sure to check out Freakonomics - I'm sure you'll be waiting in line for SuperFreakonomics if you do!