I remember reading that a husband might gain "sympathy weight" during their wife's pregnancy. Having gained a good amount of weight already, I can understand why the sympathy weight gain would be helpful. I've been feeling a bit tubby and I'm sure that if Chris were to gain a few pounds along with me then I wouldn't feel quite so bad about my expanding stomach:

It's not quite so bad now that the baby is getting bigger so my stomach is more pregnant looking rather than just looking bloated. Plus, I still fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans which I consider quite a feat. My favorite part is that my belly button is finally starting to pop out! I don't know why, but I just love pregnant lady belly buttons! The only slight problem is the hole from my navel piercing. I'm just waiting for that to either rip in half or sag like the earlobe of a punk rocker with their gauge removed. Either way I see belly button plastic surgery in my future - if it even exists. Note to future daughter: don't get a navel piercing.

So, back to the transformations. As I said, Chris has not gained any weight with me, but rather lost some! He recently finished a 10-week fitness program at Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping. I was very impressed with his results and highly recommend the program to anyone wanting to gain some muscle, lose some weight, and get fit! Farrell's plans on opening a location in Lincoln for anyone interested. Check out their website here. I'm so proud of him for completing such a hardcore program and experiencing such great results, so thanks to him for reluctantly allowing me to show him off!