I recently scored a handful of prenatal workout DVDs on Craigslist for $10. I still go to yoga once a week, but I wanted to do something more. I figured that I could shoot for one DVD workout (except for yoga nights) per night, knowing that every other night would probably be more realistic. So far I have tried two of the videos.
The first is Shiva Rea's Prenatal Yoga. It is rather long at 90 minutes (including the 30 minutes of relaxation at the end). I have a short attention span and a general distaste for non-sport oriented workouts, so this was definitely a little long for me. I found the balancing poses to be challenging and fun, it was the only thing that kept me going.
The second is Prenatal Pilates on the Ball. This one was definitely more up my alley. I can appreciate the focus, breathing and balancing learned in yoga, but pilates just seems like more of a workout. I own a set of non-prenatal pilates DVDs that I loved, but they were too ab-centric to be of much use to me at a time when it hurts to utilize my abs much. This DVD was a really great workout, and Chris even gave a go at one of the exercises and thought it was difficult. It says that you need a balance ball and exercise bands, so I picked up a cheap ball at Target and substituted dumbbells for the bands. I must say that it was rather tough with the dumbbells, but at least I could feel a burn which is much more motivating. I might even continue this DVD after the birth as it worked a lot of areas which often get overlooked in other workouts.

Now that I have the exercise ball, I actually find myself using it everyday. I had previously read some things about substituting the ball for a chair as it provides a small workout on your abs and improves posture. I'll take any chance of an ab workout at this point, so I've happily traded in my comfy spot on the sofa for a seat on this:

Maybe after the baby arrives then all I'll be left with is a hot six pack? A woman can dream...
P.S. - I've made the Baby Journal public for any family/friends that have even a slight interest, although I understand if you don't. :) It's http://bisforbrock.blogspot.com or you can just click the link on the right side of the posts on this page to take you there!
ha 6pack. try an extra 5-10 lbs you CANT GET RID OF.
Not than I'm bitter...I'm just saying.........