Forgive me father, for I have sinned. It has been three days since my last shower. I secretly believed that it would be no big deal for me to continue this streak until after my last exam on Friday, but I do have to go into work today, so I thought it would be best to make time for a quick one this morning. Just in case the perfume is no longer covering my odors. I can barely find the time to eat during the day, let alone take the time for pampering such as cleanliness. I've been sans makeup and sporting a pony tail the whole week, which I'm sure gets some attention at the office, but they're all actuaries too, so they understand.
Yesterday I put in an impressive 12 hours of studying. I went to bed and started dreaming in math:I guess that means I shouldn't have been sleeping after all. So, I got out of bed to study some more and topped out at a record-breaking 14 hours of studying for the day. If only that were enough. As it is, I've got less than 24 hours until the big hurrah, and I'm typing in between bites of oatmeal - then back to the books! I've realized that given my extended leave from the blogging world, that I have a lot to catch up on. Therefore, I declare next week to be Days of the Week Posts Week. You know, like the days of the week underwear. Sadly, my posts aren't reusable -- they're not that entertaining! But like the underwear, they can be used any day of the week, which therein defeats the purpose of the days being written on them. Who came up with that idea anyway? Ok, enough about underwear and back to studying!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Posted by
9:23 AM