My trainer on Wii Fit says my balance needs work. I disagreed, and I believe that’s part of the reason that I shoved the balance board under the couch never to be seen again. I’m fully aware that I look more like a 5-year-old ballerina than a limber yogi (that’s one who practices yoga, not the bear) when I’m attempting the Tree Pose. Here's me:

And yes, the ballet barre would certainly help, but I’m still not so sure I could rest my foot against my thigh instead of my ankle. What? You want me to raise my arms above my head as I’m attempting to balance on one foot? That’s not gonna happen.
I know what you’re thinking: why in the world would I begin yoga classes if I can’t even take the criticism from my Wii Fit trainer? I started prenatal yoga last night as an attempt to be more "in tune" with the baby, and what a better time to dare such an attempt than one when I’m supposed to lose balance throughout the nine months my stomach is expanding?! At only 17 weeks, one would probably just make the mistake of thinking I eat too much ice cream (which may be so), so I can hardly blame the balance issue on the babe. And here there are very very pregnant women showing me up! I always hear that you’re supposed to lose balance when you’re so far along, and yet they were doing a perfect tree pose, arms raised and all, and I could barely balance without my arms raised and my foot on my ankle rather than my thigh. Imagine the fun had by all in attendance (but me, of course) as they got to see my beautiful attempt at a tree pose. I’d like to think they were too focused on their pose and breathing technique that they didn’t notice, but a stomp to the ground each time my raised foot hit the floor to catch myself from falling surely would’ve awoken them from their deep meditation.
It’s a bit of a stretch for me to join a yoga class given I have a strong distaste for exercising unless it serves a purpose (i.e. sports). The last five minutes were spent doing the Matsya Kridasana relaxation pose (Matsya Kridasana translates to “flapping fish,” which may make it more enjoyable now that I found that out). Basically the time is just spent laying on your side, focusing on your breathing. However, instead of relaxing, I spent my time looking around the room, wondering if the pose would be finished after the song ended (sure enough, it didn’t).
Overall, the class was a great experience, even though I definitely need some work. Perhaps this will inspire me to become a yoga expert and gain muscle tone that even Madonna would envy.