Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night dying for a snack? Please say it's not just me. Last night was one of those nights. I awoke at 3.00AM, in desperate need of something delicious, and without the ability to fall back asleep. Besides being hungry, I've been cursed with a horrible cold and every time I wake up to blow my nose, it seems I nearly scare Chris right out of the bed. Wanting him to have a good night's sleep, I headed downstairs to the couch and the trusty TV.
It seems that I've been out of college far too long to realize that there is absolutely nothing on TV at 3 in the morning. My choices were as follows: Bobby Flay talking about vegetarian BBQ on Food Network (barbecued tofu? no thank you!), ab infomercial on 49, ab infomercial on 50, ab infomercial on get the picture. I thought that I could at least count on E! for some horrendous reality show at any time of the night, but even they had succumbed to some Ron Popeil or Chuck Norris new-fangled-crap-that-you-must-own sales pitch. Here's an idea: try selling something which will most appeal to the viewing public at 3 in the morning - how about a cure for insomnia? Maybe it's just me, but trying to get me excited about a fancy new machine to give me a six pack in just 2 minutes a day is just not what I'm interested in at that hour. Try me again at 3 in the afternoon while I'm sitting on the couch eating a bowl of ice cream - then I'm sold!
Speaking of infomercials, I never thought they could be so interesting. I caught an episode of a new reality show called Pitchmen. It follows Billy Mays and Anthony Sullivan through their attempts at finding the best new infomercial product. It's actually quite a bit more intriguing than I imagined it could be. Besides, I'll take Billy Mays over the lame ShamWow guy any day. Especially when he looks like this:

Looking good Mr. ShamWow, looking real good.
Does hunger wake ME? I'm afraid I never let t go so far ... I could eat all the time, no way I'll go to bed hungry or even getting there... Maybe I should try it. I guess I'd feel better in the morning then.
Of it goes on, you'd better have a good DVD ready, don't you think?