Recognize this place?

I know. You're too embarassed to admit that you indeed watch Jon & Kate Plus 8 marathons every weekend. I don't watch the show either (wink wink), so of course I don't recognize that this is their kitchen! They shoot pretty much every scene in here, so how could you not catch it? Their house is for sale and sitting empty, which shows that even "celebrities" can be hurt by the current credit crunch. That's right folks, you can be proud owner of a little piece of history. And I thought that someone would've snatched this baby right up given who previously lived there. The place even comes with their two sets of super nice washer and dryers! Now, I know that they're pretty much gajillionaires given their numerous years of agreeing to let audiences around the world watch Kate belittle Jon every episode, but I still would've taken those babies with me!
ok, so due to us not having cable, I have no idea who they are, BUT I wonder if they are just off building a bigger house if this one is sitting empty...?