What does it take to be able to walk across the street in 27 degree weather with nothing but a long sleeved shirt and simply feel refreshed by the cool breeze?
Answer: Living in below zero temperatures for a month straight. Seriously, I'm ready for spring, so let's hurry it up!
Okay, so that wasn't a great riddle, so I'll give you one for the road:
Why do people who work in customer service find it too much to ask to shower and deodorize themselves before coming to my house to look at my pipes? Mr Plumber finally made his appearance yesterday after standing us up two nights in a row, and now we're wishing he wouldn't have. The shower in our master bathroom not only has a leak, but also the lowest water pressure I've ever experienced. Is being able to wash more than just my left foot in any given position in the shower too much to ask?!
So, back to Mr Plumber. He smelled as if he left his ham sandwich sitting in one of his fat rolls too long, and he was so big that we had 911 on speed dial in case he went into cardiac arrest after making it up the stairs. Not only did he have to walk upstairs to our bathroom, but also down two flights to check out the pipes in the basement. To top it off, I'm convinced that he had no clue what he was doing and only took Chris' word for it. I wanted a professional opinion and estimate, not an agreement with someone who doesn't know what he's doing. I guess we should have known when he went to the wrong house to begin with. We have big house numbers sir, how hard can it be?! Needless to say, we won't be going with Mr Plumber for his services. However, I don't think he'll be disappointed because frankly, those stairs were just too much for him.
Oh crap. That wasn't a riddle either...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Riddle of the Day:
Posted by
7:28 AM
oh man, I can feel your madness through your post! haha!
PS welcome to home ownership. Boo for having to pay for that stuff! Hope it works out.