What does it take to be able to walk across the street in 27 degree weather with nothing but a long sleeved shirt and simply feel refreshed by the cool breeze?
Answer: Living in below zero temperatures for a month straight. Seriously, I'm ready for spring, so let's hurry it up!
Okay, so that wasn't a great riddle, so I'll give you one for the road:
Why do people who work in customer service find it too much to ask to shower and deodorize themselves before coming to my house to look at my pipes? Mr Plumber finally made his appearance yesterday after standing us up two nights in a row, and now we're wishing he wouldn't have. The shower in our master bathroom not only has a leak, but also the lowest water pressure I've ever experienced. Is being able to wash more than just my left foot in any given position in the shower too much to ask?!
So, back to Mr Plumber. He smelled as if he left his ham sandwich sitting in one of his fat rolls too long, and he was so big that we had 911 on speed dial in case he went into cardiac arrest after making it up the stairs. Not only did he have to walk upstairs to our bathroom, but also down two flights to check out the pipes in the basement. To top it off, I'm convinced that he had no clue what he was doing and only took Chris' word for it. I wanted a professional opinion and estimate, not an agreement with someone who doesn't know what he's doing. I guess we should have known when he went to the wrong house to begin with. We have big house numbers sir, how hard can it be?! Needless to say, we won't be going with Mr Plumber for his services. However, I don't think he'll be disappointed because frankly, those stairs were just too much for him.
Oh crap. That wasn't a riddle either...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Riddle of the Day:
Posted by
7:28 AM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
We have a great room?!
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11:41 AM
We spent last night watching Ratatouille in the great room (I'd tell you if the movie was good, but I fell asleep before the end). It's one of the first times we've used the space since we've moved here, but in our defense, it's darned cold in there in the dead of winter. We cozied up on the sofa with a nice fire going and attempted to watch the movie while Lola proceeded to interrupt us every five minutes to play. Anyway, all this talk of the great room made me realize that I haven't posted pics of the mantel since after the Christmas decorations were on them!
So, it's not a professional quality decorating job (or photography job, for that matter), but it's homey and cute. AND everything was a "holiday" clearance find. I sure do love raiding the holiday sales for things that can be used year round! Also, Chris and I learned a valuable lesson in the process of getting those pictures printed for use in the frames. After going to Walgreens to try to order an 11"x14" picture, we learned that not only must you order those online, but they'd cost around $15!! But we want our pictures now!! So Chris and I one-upped Walgreens and took them to Office Max. They have normal color printers that do such an amazing job that the end result looks just like a matte photo paper version. And the best news? They count it as just a normal color copy, so it cost us a mere 69 cents! I couldn't believe it!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Self-Proclaimed "Jon & Kate Plus 8" Biggest Fan
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7:25 AM

I know. You're too embarassed to admit that you indeed watch Jon & Kate Plus 8 marathons every weekend. I don't watch the show either (wink wink), so of course I don't recognize that this is their kitchen! They shoot pretty much every scene in here, so how could you not catch it? Their house is for sale and sitting empty, which shows that even "celebrities" can be hurt by the current credit crunch. That's right folks, you can be proud owner of a little piece of history. And I thought that someone would've snatched this baby right up given who previously lived there. The place even comes with their two sets of super nice washer and dryers! Now, I know that they're pretty much gajillionaires given their numerous years of agreeing to let audiences around the world watch Kate belittle Jon every episode, but I still would've taken those babies with me!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
30 Degree Heat Wave
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7:23 PM
I didn't know -34 degrees existed - at least not in Iowa. But alas, it does, and I have become the queen of layers. Waiting for the bus every day at 6:30 in the morning never sucked so badly. I try to rough the weather by piling on leggings, dress pants, knee high socks, and fur-lined boots, and I top it all off with a pair of sweatpants. No amount of wind is able to cause so much as a single goosebump on my protected legs. The downside? That would be removing the sweatpants at the precise moment that Brent, a VP, walks by my desk.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Pick Lola! (Please?)
Posted by
12:27 PM
All three people who are reading my blog, immediately click on the "Vote for Me" button on the righthand side!! Bissell is having a contest to find their next pet model, and Lola would be perfect!

Sunday, January 11, 2009
My Brand New Ride
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4:03 PM
The harsh wind and crisp air of winter make me lazy, not unlike the warm air and gentle breezes of summer, come to think of it! In hopes of battling the winter 15, I surprised Chris with a gift for both of us. He has been wanting to have an indoor bike trainer for a very long time, but with the hefty price tag, I politely declined. However, after racking up some credit card rewards points from wedding spending, I was able to afford a super nice free one! Basically, it's just a fancy contraption to ride your bike in place. I spent a whole five minutes on it yesterday while watching Color Splash on HGTV. In my defense, I had worked out at the gym prior to the 5 minute ride, so I was a little sore! Nonetheless, I figure that if I can ride five minutes a day (okay, I'll try to last a whole show) during my half hour of tv, then I could be in pretty good shape come spring. I'll head out to the mall in a bra-top and cut-off shorts that'd make Britney (Spears) proud!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Spousal Arousal Syndrome (It's not what you think)
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7:59 AM
Remember the days when you could go to bed and sleep like a baby until eight? Well those days are no more. Who would have thought that sharing a bed could have lost it's luster after years of removing the screen from my bedroom window to sneak out and stay the night in someone else's bed? Okay okay, so maybe that wasn't me at all. I'm not that rebellious and definitely didn't have a guy in which to share said bed. However, I did have my share of sleepovers with Chris after I had moved out on my own. Maybe it's because it was something new, or because I didn't stay that often, or perhaps it was just my love for cuddling that made me not notice the lack of sleep after staying. Too much information? Visuals?? Okay, I digress.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy (?) New Year
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9:13 AM
Chris and I decided to do something out of the norm for New Year's Eve. What normally would have been spent by staying in, watching movies, and falling asleep before midnight, was instead spent partying it up at Embassy Suites on the River for their Rock the New Year bash. Our friend Lisa came up from St. Louis, and we joined eight other friends for a party at the hotel. We had a blast! There were two live bands, a DJ, and a mad game of Beer Pong going on in our hotel room. It was a lovely end to a great year.
The next morning started off with a bang. Our house has all hardwood floors on the first and second stories. For some reason, the silly previous owners decided to carpet the stairs going up to our bedroom. Chris was coming down the stairs wearing his slippers and fell down the stairs. He thought he broke his ankle, and try as I might, he couldn't be convinced that it was just a sprain. The Starostka in me wanted him to stay home and walk it off. If it were bad the next day, then he could go in. Instead we ended up here:
Mercy Medical Emergency Room. Lisa and I passed the time in the waiting room by attempting to solve a rather difficult crossword puzzle while Chris was wheeled back and forth between rooms. It took two hours of xrays, tests and more waiting for them to tell us that it was just a sprain. They proceeded to wrap his foot in an ace bandage and gel splint while I about fainted after seeing the $40 price tag for just those items alone. Not only did I have an ace bandage at home, but it also costs maybe $8 at WalMart had I not. After the $40, plus whatever ungodly amount it actually cost to go into the ER, I wasn't about to buy crutches from them either. But after not being able to borrow them from anyone, I finally had to splurge this morning and go spend yet another $40 so Chris didn't have to hop around.
Hopefully he got it all out of his system and the rest of 2009 is smooth sailing.