Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Back to Work
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9:46 PM
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Homemade Hot Chocolate
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9:33 PM
Des Moines is being hit by a snow storm tonight, and being bundled up all day left me craving hot chocolate. We usually buy the packaged stuff that you mix with water, which is hardly appealing come to think of it. I didn't have any on hand, and I wasn't about to head back out and brave the weather. How about homemade?! It's cheap, easy, and tastes even better than the super-sugary packet stuff. Here's what I came up with:
(serves 2)
4 Tbsp water
4 Tbsp sugar
3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1/8 tsp peppermint extract
2 cups milk
Whisk the first four ingredients over low heat in a small saucepan until the sugar and cocoa is dissolved. Pour in the milk and heat until hot. Enjoy - it's that easy!
I played around with it a bit, with the above being my favorite version so far. I think I might try melting some chocolate chips in it to make it a little thicker, or even swapping cinnamon for the peppermint. The main goal was to have something simple that is made from ingredients I always have on hand. I'll now be adding hot chocolate to my list of things I'll only make homemade.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Orange You Glad You Tried It?!
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11:51 AM
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Happy Anniversary Home Sweet Home!
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3:20 PM
- We moved into the house hoping to take nice warm bath, but discovered that our lovely white tub was actually spray painted (remember this?) and bubbled when hot water hit it. After many, many, many hours of scraping the tub (thanks mom!!), we can now enjoy a relaxing bath.
- We found ourselves shop vac-ing up buckets of water from our basement drain, only to find out that we had a collapsed sewer line. We chose the short-term solution for now and are holding off as long as we can to fix it due to the $10,000 price tag to replace it.
- We also survived our first winter in a house without insulation by wearing layers upon layers of socks, slippers, hoodies and robes, but still found ourselves freezing! Seriously. It was a constant 55 degrees in our great room - if we were lucky!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Beggar's Night vs Halloween
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10:24 AM
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Panera-Inspired Chicken Salad
Posted by
9:22 AM
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Who needs a bread machine??
Posted by
2:08 PM
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Month One: Joys of Parenting
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5:37 PM
Monday, October 5, 2009
A Birth Story
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4:29 PM
Monday, September 7, 2009
Once a Month Cooking
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5:19 PM
Last week Chris and I decided to partake in some "nesting" before the baby arrived. We made sure the bags were packed, cameras charged, house cleaned, and freezer stocked just in case the little one decided to make an appearance sometime soon (which doesn't seem to be the case - getting impatient!). I found a website dedicated to the art of "once a month cooking" and I decided to give it a try and drag Chris along for the ride.
The site is Once a Month Mom. An amazing lady plans and posts her menus, recipes, and shopping lists for these once a month adventures in the kitchen - I don't think I'd even have an ounce of energy to do it without her direction. For the month of August, she had fifteen different recipes posted - we decided to trim it down a bit for our first attempt and only make nine of them. However, many of the recipes were enough for more than one meal, so they should last us quite some time.
After four hours in the kitchen, my sous chef and I had a stocked freezer that looked like this:
You'll notice that we also have a lot of pre-portioned veggies such as zucchini, onions, celery, etc that can easily be added to any meal instead of having to take the time to prepare these items that we don't regularly have on hand. Additionally, that delicious pink concoction to the right is my egg-free homemade ice cream which I will be sharing the recipe for later this week. As of last night, the container is now empty!
Thanks to Once a Month Mom, Chris and I now have the following meals at our disposal for all of those nights when we're just too tired to cook after the baby arrives:
- Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches
- Garden Chowder
- Chilaquile Casserole
- Hubby's Favorite Casserole
- Baked Rigatoni
- Chili Cheese Potato Casserole
- Lemon Chicken with Veggies
- King Ranch Chicken
- Creamy Rigatoni with Chunky Tomato Vinaigrette
Thus far we've tried the Garden Chowder as well as Roast Beef Sandwiches with a homemade Au Jus (and using the left over beef to make yummy Beef Taco Salads). Tonight we're trying the King Ranch Chicken. I have to say that it was kind of fun cooking all of these meals together, and I foresee this being something we continue to do in the future (provided that Chris is willing!). It makes it a lot easier to shop, cook and plan meals when doing it all at once. Plus, I only spent $45 for all of the groceries to make these meals, which evens out to $3 per meal (some recipes made more than one pan) which is pretty darn good in my book. After a long day we can just thaw, pop in the oven and enjoy!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Oasis
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9:21 AM
My birthday present from Chris was about 3-4 days of hard labor. When we moved into our house, we somehow neglected to notice just how hideous part of the backyard was. The area behind the garage was gravel instead of grass, and not having much space in the backyard to begin with, I knew that I wanted to expand the green space to the hidden area. It was a lot more work than I thought that it would be.
Here you see the gravel, the overhanging tree from the neighbor, and the half of the tree trunks (the ones that Chris couldn't lift on his own) that the previous owners so graciously left us:
We began by piling up all of the gravel into the corner so we could prepare the area for grass and plants. The rest was put off for a few weeks, so then we had to deal with some nasty weeds that started growing all over the place.
We tried to recycle as much as we could. We kept about half of the gravel to use as the base for the furniture area and the rest was hauled away by a Craigslist-er. We also had quite a bit of mulch left from when we had three tree stumps removed from the yard, so we used that for the plants. Lastly, the odd square concrete piece in the picture above was transformed into the base of our Young House Love inspired firepit. A clearance furniture set, a few battery operated lights (there's no electricity back there), trimming of the tree branches, and more than a few trips to Lowe's left us with one of my favorite places at our whole house:
It's quickly becoming one of Lola's favorite spots too, as she always brings her toys over to that area instead of on the patio like before. I love the extra green, the warm fire, as well the country-like feeling you get when you're sitting back there at night and shut off from the rest of the world. Plus, how can you beat S'mores on your birthday? Best gift ever? I think so!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Coupon Crazy
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10:12 PM
Is it super lame that I'm looking forward to the ads and coupons that will be arriving with my newspaper this Sunday??
Bump Watch: 36 Weeks
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6:22 AM
I wanted a low-key birthday, so Chris and I went out to the Des Moines Rose Gardens and then ended up stumbling upon Greenwood Park. We'd never been and I've always wanted to go, but I've had problems convincing Chris that it'd be a good time. The gardens were beautiful and there were still some roses in bloom, but I can only imagine what it'd look like in the middle of summer with all of them in full bloom. Next year I'll go to find out! Does anyone know when roses bloom??

Friday, August 14, 2009
Posted by
7:44 AM
I've never previously used the site myself, but I've heard everyone else talking about it. At $2 per $25 gift certificate, who could pass it up?! All you need to do is set up an account on their website and purchase away. I left their shop with four $25 gift certificates for a grand total of only $8 - I couldn't believe it! With my parents relocating soon to Omaha, I thought I'd buy a few for restaurants there so we could try out some new places. These are the gift certificates that I went with: Billy's in Lincoln, and Bistro 121, Lit, and The Melting Pot in Omaha. Unfortunately, there weren't too many restaurant options that I was interested in here in Des Moines, but luckily I found some for great restaurants when we travel. The gift certificates are good for one year so be sure to stock up if you have plans to hit KC, Minneapolis, etc!
This great deal ends tonight! Be sure to head here and get some for yourself!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Posted by
11:17 AM
I love to read - particularly non-fiction. I've usually got three books going at once, and although it may take me awhile to get through them when I'm busy, they are conveniently located throughout the house so I can pick one up when I have the time. I always get the question of how I can read multiple books at once. To which I say, "How do you keep track of the 10 TV shows that you watch per week?" Your response: "Touché."

The first book was awesome and I can only imagine that this one will be even better. The authors even have a blog on the New York Times website to keep me happy during the interim between their books. Make sure to check out Freakonomics - I'm sure you'll be waiting in line for SuperFreakonomics if you do!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Freebie Bouquets
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5:18 PM
No, it's not my birthday, or anniversary. Would it surprise you to learn that these weren't even from Chris? (Well, not me, considering he gave me a bag of flour for our first Valentine's Day.) They're actually from my friend's wedding two weeks ago, and the last two bouquets are still holding on! They gave away all of the ceremony and reception flowers to me and some other friends who stuck around until the end. I felt a little bad for taking them, but when else would I have such expensive flowers filling my house? If only I had visitors so they could be admired by my guests. :) She had a stunning Indian wedding - I sat mesmerized the entire time by everything happening in the ceremony. Even though it was all in Sanskrit and I had no idea why she was throwing rice over her head or holy water on her forehead, it was beautiful nonetheless. Hopefully I'll get some pictures up soon for some proof!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Le Petit Garden
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9:59 PM
The state of our yard when we moved into our house left something to be desired. One of the corners wasn't pretty to look at (not to mention the eyesore behind the garage that Chris just finished for my birthday - more on that to come) and I knew that it would make the perfect place for a little garden. It's in plain sight upon entering our backyard, so I had to give it a complete overhaul. Unfortunately, I forgot to take before pictures, but here is the finished product shortly after the initial planting:
Since then, I have planted strawberries in the center, and the marigolds have really filled out to make quite a nice border. The only thing I am having a problem with are the four plants along the fence. One of them has shot up and produced pretty flowers:
The rest of them are still midgets like these (Please excuse the weeds, by the way. My belly is filling out to the point of making it quite uncomfortable to work that close to the ground):
I feed them plant food, as instructed, but only one of them seems to be benefiting from it. And although it looks better than before, I sure wish that they'd all grow properly to provide some lushness and color that the yard desperately needs!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
San Diego - FINALLY!
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3:57 PM
So, it only took me five months to get this posted - what is wrong with me?! You'd think that we must not have had a very good time if it took me this long, but quite the contrary - we had an AMAZING time! Let's start off with a recap:
Chris celebrated his 30th birthday this February. I wanted to do something big and unexpected, and we happened to have a few thousand flight points lying around and a good friend out in San Diego who we hadn't been out to visit. What's better than a free birthday gift, right?! Chris was driving me nuts about theXBox he thought he was receiving, so imagine his surprise when my brother (in town to take care of Lola while we were gone) and I picked him up from work the Friday before his birthday! Adam drove us to the airport while Chris started to figure it out. I wasn't going to let him see the tickets beforehand, but I caved and showed him where we were going. He was super excited, and I was even more excited because I love giving gifts!
We were there for 3.5 days, and I must say that we loved every single minute of it. Matt had a great apartment just outside of Little Italy downtown. We were walking distance from great little shops and restaurants, the ocean, and the famous San Diego Zoo. Being the early bird that I am, I got up and walked around downtown until I stumbled upon a coffee shop and just sat outside enjoying the beautiful city and weather. We just loved the city and the people. Everyone was so laid back and friendly. They all seemed to be walking their dogs, and some even took them to work with them likeMochaccino here:
Saturday morning was spent on a much anticipated whale watching cruise. Chris and I really wanted to go while in Iceland, but we didn't get it done, so we were super excited to see some up close in the prime of their migration.We saw a ton of dolphins, which was really neat...

Next up: Tijuana. I had been to Cancun before, but never had I experienced anything like the Mexican border town of Tijuana. It was so odd that I don't even have the words for it.
Here's Chris looking a little apprehensive about his entry into the foreign land...
We also visited something on the very top of my list: the world-famous San Diego Zoo. I absolutely love zoos, so I was super excited to see something that blows even the Omaha Zoo out of the water. Chris took some fantastic photos of many of the animals there which we've hung in the babies room, so you'll have to wait until the big reveal of the nursery to see those. For fun, I'll tease you with this awesome shot of me:

The rest of the time was spent by Matt showing us around pretty much every single part of San Diego (or so it seemed), so I'll leave you with a few more pictures:
Mom's 50th Birthday
Posted by
12:58 PM
Can you believe that my lovely mother is now half a century old? I remember the days when I thought that 50 was a couple of years shy from life in a nursing home, but now it seems like a vibrant and fun age when you actually begin envisioning the reality of the fun you'll have during retirement (unlike the 30 years of dreaming I have left to go). I mean, heck, my Grandma is over 70 and she's still out-running us. Okay, maybe walking, but she even manages to do a load of laundry, cook, and clean while us youngsters are rubbing our feet afterwards.

Monday, July 13, 2009
Real Simple for $5?!
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4:27 PM
My favorite magazine is about $4 at the store for one issue. My usual course of action while waiting in a checkout line is to glance through all of the magazines while Chris unloads and pays for everything. Now I can count one less magazine off my must-read list while in line because I just got a year subscription for Real Simple for only $5!!! What a deal! And I know that the yummy recipes and organization tips will come in extra handy with Curtis keeping me busy!