The state of our yard when we moved into our house left something to be desired. One of the corners wasn't pretty to look at (not to mention the eyesore behind the garage that Chris just finished for my birthday - more on that to come) and I knew that it would make the perfect place for a little garden. It's in plain sight upon entering our backyard, so I had to give it a complete overhaul. Unfortunately, I forgot to take before pictures, but here is the finished product shortly after the initial planting:
Since then, I have planted strawberries in the center, and the marigolds have really filled out to make quite a nice border. The only thing I am having a problem with are the four plants along the fence. One of them has shot up and produced pretty flowers:
The rest of them are still midgets like these (Please excuse the weeds, by the way. My belly is filling out to the point of making it quite uncomfortable to work that close to the ground):
I feed them plant food, as instructed, but only one of them seems to be benefiting from it. And although it looks better than before, I sure wish that they'd all grow properly to provide some lushness and color that the yard desperately needs!