Pay close attention to the eyeliner in all the wrong spots.

Now, this is all fine and dandy for a fashion show, but how about a day at work? While no one in their right mind would purposefully create this look for a day at work, some otherwise smart people could do this by accident, right?? Right??? Well, if you haven't guessed it by now, I did. And just when you thought that I had learned my lesson about checking in the mirror after my sunglasses and sweater experiences that I have shared with you, I prove you wrong!

So here's how it went down: I did my makeup in the morning (natch), and go wait for the bus in the 5 below freezer that is the outdoors. Now, I don't remember it snowing, or getting any other kind of moisture on my face to smudge my fresh makeup. Anyway, so I get to work and carry on with the day. I have multiple one-on-ones with a couple of people in my department (including my boss and a friend). Around 1:00 I head to the bathroom after one too many bottles of water. I don't bother looking in the mirror because when you're this beautiful, you just know you're looking good! ;) Upon exiting, I go to wash my hands and see my beautiful face. Take another close look at that picture. There are drawn in eyelash lines above and below. Now, you're not going to believe this (or maybe you will after my sunglasses story), but I kid you not. My right eye had the eyelash lines below and my left eye had the eyelash lines above. ALL DAY!

Seriously people, what is it going to take for you to let me know that I look like a total moron? Clearly not an inside-out sweater, nor a missing lense in my glasses, and apparently not a makeup fiasco! I'd like to think that I would discretely let my friend know so she can correct the problem before others catch a glimpse. So, quick poll: would you tell me if I had a bugger??