I was just thinking to myself how great it would be if everyone had a gift registry. Forget the wedding and baby registries, we need them all the time. Yes, I know there are Wish Lists, but those just aren't the same. I want to know what you want for Christmas, and I want to know now...by looking online, not asking you. Hey, at least this way it's a "surprise." As in: Surprise! You'll never guess whats inside, except that you picked it out yourself! This Christmas, as more and more of my friends are soon to be joining me on checking the "Married" box on their tax forms, I've found myself searching their wedding registries for Christmas gift ideas. So you might find it hard to believe, but I dispise gift registries.
We, as a country, are lazy enough that we have reverted to walking into Target and printing out a piece of paper in order to choose a gift. Gone are the days of giving something from the heart, something to show how much you know and care about people on one of the most important days in their lives. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of going on a shopping spree in which the only thing I pay for is a Target Slurpee and I come home to the store's inventory scattered around my home. However, where is the thought that goes into purchasing something off the list? It's nothing but a search for your price range and choosing something from the closest aisle. If only I had the time and talent of
SSMast to make everyone homemade gifts. Ones that aren't the kind that get thrown away, but the kinds that are thoughtful and well made - keepers.
But alas, I've neither the time nor the talent and I'm quite sleepy after a long day of work and studying. I saw a giant pile of ShamWow's in Bed Bath and Beyond the other day. I'm just going to stock up and hand them out to anyone I know. Merry Christmas.

(The ShamWow Guy is hilarious, but do yourself a favor, buy me anything Billy Mays and I'll be indebted to you for years to come.)
aw, you're nice :) I only make things when Lukka sleeps (i.e. about 7PM until my bedtime...around 10) so you are usually home then, right? :)
Go and enter my giveaway already!!!