Chris and I have been on a redecorating spree before my family arrives next week. We're definitely much more into modern/contemporary spaces than the previous owners. The master bath was a little too rustic/country for our tastes, so we finally tackled the room and did a complete 180 on it!
Here is the bathroom before (previous owners):
After getting our shower repaired, our bathroom became fully functional, but it was still not so pleasant to look at. Of course we painted the walls and the cabin-looking wood and ended up with something pretty decent. However, after painting the wood white, it became ever so clear that the floors were mega dingy. This I already knew as my mom and I attempted to clean the floor upon moving in. It was then that we noticed the floors were actually white as opposed to tan. Gross!
What Chris and I thought would be a one night job, turned into a whole weekend of flooring. It seemed that each tile that required cutting took two hours (1/2 hour to cut the tile only to find out too much was cut off, 1 hour to cut a new tile to perfection, and a 1/2 hour break for a bowl of ice cream to recoup). I emerged from the process achy, blistered, and ready to sleep on my new pretty (and clean!) floor.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Bathroom Updates
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12:47 PM
The window still needs repainted (and the horrible spray paint on the window panes chipped off), but overall it's a room that I'm happy to spend some time in! I would've included some pictures of me working, but true to labored worker form, my pants didn't seem to stay up well enough for a decent posting picture. At least my thong was covering my crack though, which is more than can be said for I Left My Ham Sandwich in My Fat Roll for Later Plumber #1.
Last weekend we painted the front room and it's starting to look great! More on that to come, but next week expect a great post on Chris' 30th Birthday Surprise Extravaganza!
It looks so amazing! Great job! It looks like it came straight out of a pottery barn catalog-wonderful!!